Your Library Supports
CODEMA Home Energy Saving Kit
The Home Energy Saving Kit has been developed to help you understand your energy consumption at home. It provides six practical energy saving tools which will help you conduct your own home energy audit and find the easiest and most important areas to reduce your energy.
Check where your energy is going
The kit contains five tools you can use to measure how your home uses energy and where energy might be escaping.
Find out what it’s costing you
Once you’ve measured your energy use, use the workbook to calculate how much it’s costing, and how much you might be able to save on bills.
See how you can make savings
Once you’ve discovered where your energy is going, check out our easy to follow guide to start making real savings whether you own or rent, live alone or share your home.
Home Energy Saving Kit Video Tutorials
The staff at Carlow Library Service have created great video tutorials on how to get the most out of your Home Energy Saving Kit.
Where to find a kit?
The Home Energy Saving Kit is available to borrow, free of charge, from selected libraries across Ireland.